Wind exposure can damage the skin, acupuncture can help skin repairing
We all know that sun exposure can damage the skin. Do you know wind and chill can damage the skin too? The body gives off a layer of heat that protects the skin from cold temperatures. A strong wind can blow this layer away from the skin, taking away this natural defence to the cold. As the wind increases, the body is cooled at a faster rate causing the skin temperature to drop. Exposure to wind and chill can cause windburn and frostbite. Being exposed to below zero wind chills can induce frostbite within five minutes. While wind chills below minus 20 degrees can result in frostbite within a minute of exposure. The affected skin and tissue go numb. It’s most likely to strike the fingers or toes, ears, cheeks, chin, or nose. The exposure can lead to severe damage.
Other conditions related to wind and chill.
Chilblains is a condition in which the small blood vessels
in the skin is inflamed after being exposed to cold. These clusters of
small blood vessels get red, itchy, and swell or blister. Patches usually
appear on your fingers, toes, ears, and cheeks. Wearing layers of
loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing can trap air between the layers to
insulate you. For dry and cracked skin, apply of cream can help to moisturise
the skin.
Facial acupuncture can help damaged skin on the face