The brain and stress and anxiety
The frontal lobe is located at the front of the brain just underneath frontal bone. It controls important cognitive skills, such as emotional expression, personality, problem solving, memory, language, communication skill, judgment, and sexual behaviors. It makes up about one third of the brain and is the largest lobe of the brain. It also controls muscles movement and speech. The frontal lobe enables us to respond to any changes accordingly. Acute stress can impair the function of the frontal lobe that required complex and flexible thinking by increasing both dopamine and noradrenaline release. Chronic stress induces the structural changes. chronic stress weakens the structures that provide negative feedback on the stress response and strengthens the structures that promote the stress response. Stress and anxiety are related to this part of the brain that is not functioning well. The stress and anxiety of frontal lobe is reflexed at the forehead tension. Acupuncture releases the stress and anxiety.
Amy F. T. Arnsten Nat Rev Neurosci. 2009 Jun; 10(6): 410–422.
Amy F. T. Arnsten Nat Rev Neurosci. 2009 Jun; 10(6): 410–422.