10 Reasons why you should have acupuncture as an adjunct treatment of your IVF.

About 1 in 6 couples have difficulty conceiving and seek specialist fertility treatment. There are various treatments available depending on the causes of the infertility. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is one of the most successful treatments for couples with infertility, however it is still not 100% success. Some treatments that can increase the success rate of IVF would be preferable to support IVF. Acupuncture is one of the candidates. Here is a list of 10 reasons why you should have acupuncture as an adjunct treatment of your IVF.

No1 There are no side effects of acupuncture treatment. It does not cause any harm and does not interact with any medications for whatever protocols you have for IVF.

No2 IVF is a very stressful procedure. It makes women anxious about it. Stress and anxiety could affect IVF success. Acupuncture that is proved by research can reduce stress and anxiety score during IVF treatment.

No3 Acupuncture reduce inflammation. If there is inflammation around the abdominal region, it makes the toxic environment affecting fertility.

No4 Acupuncture improves blood circulation to help provide enough nutrients and oxygen to the ovaries and uterus.

No5 Acupuncture can help balance hormones. Balanced hormones are essential for pregnancy to occur and stay.

No6 Acupuncture can help improve egg quality. It reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation to the ovaries. This helps to supply oxygens and nutrients to the eggs and take the toxins away from the eggs.

No7 Acupuncture improves the uterine lining by improving blood circulation to the uterus and helps the lining to grow. Uterine lining is where the embryo to implant and grow.

No8 Acupuncture relax the uterus and help embryo implantation too.

No9 Acupuncture can increase sperm counts and improve sperm quality. The evidence for the effect of acupuncture on sperm counts and sperm quality is emerging in research.

No10 Based above step by step help. Acupuncture can help increase IVF success eventually. It is a good candidate to assist IVF.

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