How the face changes with aging and how facial acupuncture helps to rejuvenate
How the skin changes with aging? Skin is an organ which protects us from the environment, controls our body temperature and prevents our body from losing fluid and electrolyte balance. Skin can be generally divided into three main parts: The outer part (epidermis) contains skin cells, pigment, and proteins. The middle part (dermis) contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, and oil glands. The dermis provides nutrients to the epidermis. The inner layer under the dermis (the subcutaneous layer) contains sweat glands, some hair follicles, blood vessels, and fat. Each layer also contains connective tissue with collagen fibers to give support and elastin fibers to provide flexibility and strength. There is a network of blood vessels in the two layers of the skin which provides oxygen and nutrients to the skin and takes away the waste from the skin. Facial skin and facial skin aging Human body is covered by the skin including face. However facial skin is different from