When is the best time for facial acupuncture?

After sun exposure

In summer time people are rushing to get away to go under the sun. Sun light makes one feel good and sun tan makes one look good. However exposure to the sun causes most of wrinkles and age spots on the face and skin color obtained from being in the sun speeds up skin aging. Sun exposure damages collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. When these fibers break down, the skin begins to sag, loose, and lose its ability to go back into place after stretching. Facial muscles are contracting under the sun creating wrinkles.

Increased age

With aging, skin changes including wrinkles and sagging skin are easily seen. These are not only changes in the aging skin. Also with aging, outer skin layer becomes thinner. Spots including age spot, liver spots etc may appear especially in sun-exposed areas. Skin’s strength and elasticity are reduced with the changes in the connective tissue. The blood vessels of the dermis become more fragile leading to bruising, bleeding under the skin. Skin becomes dry and itching because of less oil produced.

The most prominent characteristics by which skin aging is recognized are facial wrinkles and sagging. A study suggested that the average age at which distinct wrinkles occur at the corners of the eyes is 36.5 years old. Wrinkles appear to develop early and rapidly at the corners of the eyes compared with other facial sites. Wrinkles rapidly increase in depth and width in women 40 years or older and reach a plateau at the age of 60 years. The strongest age dependent decline in skin elasticity has been seen at the corners of the eyes. A comparison of wrinkle depth with skin elasticity in the same corners of the eyes revealed that wrinkle severity occurs in proportion to the reduced elasticity of human facial skin. Sun exposure can accelerate facial skin aging and create wrinkles and skin sagging.

Facial rejuvenation acupuncture

Is there any way to make up to the damage caused by sun exposure? Facial acupuncture is an efficient way to do so. Acupuncture on the face stimulates collagen and elastin synthesis and improves blood circulation to help skin repairing. As a result, skin becomes delicate and free of wrinkles again.

There is always doubt for those who never tried. A paper by Barrett JB was published in Aesthet Surg. In this paper the benefit of facial acupuncture included include elimination of some wrinkles and decrease in length and depth of others, decrease of facial edema, decrease of acne, improvement of facial muscle tone, improved skin texture with tighter pores, and decrease of sagging around the eyes, cheeks, chin, and neck.


Barrett JB Aesthet Surg J (2005) Jul-Aug 25:419-24

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