Low progesterone level to get pregnant? acupuncture can help
If you are trying to conceive, you may already be familiar with the term progesterone. Progesterone is one of female sex hormones. Progesterone is an essential hormone for pregnancy. Without it there would be no successful pregnancy.
In women progesterone is mainly made in the ovary. Progesterone level varies during the menstrual cycles and high level after ovulation is seen. The production of progesterone is increasing rapidly after ovulation. Its level is highest during luteal phase especially from day 19 to day 22 of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone prepares uterine inner lining for implantation, helps uterine lining development and make it ready for embryo implantation; it prevents further ovulation and it makes mucus thicker to prevent sperm to penetrate. If pregnancy occurs, it helps to maintain the uterine lining throughout pregnancy; if there is no pregnancy, progesterone level drops and period starts. If fertilization happens, much more progesterone is produced during pregnancy by the placenta. During this period, progesterone prevents miscarriage, because it decreases the maternal immune response to accept the pregnancy; it also reduces uterine smooth muscle contractility. It contributes to the survival and development of the embryo and fetus.
Progesterone is also made in adrenal gland under normal physiological condition. It is also a precursor to oestrogen, testosterone and cortisol- an adrenal cortical hormone. Cortisol is essential for stress response, sugar and electrolyte balance, blood pressure and general survival. During chronic stress condition, progesterone secretion is reduced because the body made more cortisol responding to stress using progesterone.
Low progesterone is very common. The symptoms include infertility, miscarriage, spotting, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), breast tenderness, insomnia, unexplained weight gain and anxiety. Blood test will show progesterone level is lower than normal.
Why is progesterone level lowering the chance to get pregnant? Low progesterone level is a sign of poor egg quality. Progesterone is produced in follicles (eggs) and corpus luteum which is developed later on from the follicles. Poor quality follicles and corpus luteum will not produce enough progesterone to reach normal level.
You should be concerned about low progesterone level, if you want to get pregnant. If you don’t have enough progesterone, you may have trouble getting or staying pregnant. If progesterone level is low, the uterine lining will not develop well and if the lining is not thick enough, the egg won’t implant. Irregular cycles including short cycles, spotting after ovulation, absence of periods are the signs of low progesterone level. This indicates that ovaries are not functioning well. Low progesterone is one of the causes of miscarriage. Pregnancy needs progesterone to support. If progesterone levels are too low, the uterus may not be able to carry the baby to term.
Acupuncture can help ovarian circulation and improve follicle development to increase progesterone production. improve egg quality and corpus luteum quality, as a result progesterone production is increased. Acupuncture can improve adrenal gland function and reduce stress to reduce progesterone usage. This will improve the chance to get pregnant.
In women progesterone is mainly made in the ovary. Progesterone level varies during the menstrual cycles and high level after ovulation is seen. The production of progesterone is increasing rapidly after ovulation. Its level is highest during luteal phase especially from day 19 to day 22 of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone prepares uterine inner lining for implantation, helps uterine lining development and make it ready for embryo implantation; it prevents further ovulation and it makes mucus thicker to prevent sperm to penetrate. If pregnancy occurs, it helps to maintain the uterine lining throughout pregnancy; if there is no pregnancy, progesterone level drops and period starts. If fertilization happens, much more progesterone is produced during pregnancy by the placenta. During this period, progesterone prevents miscarriage, because it decreases the maternal immune response to accept the pregnancy; it also reduces uterine smooth muscle contractility. It contributes to the survival and development of the embryo and fetus.
Progesterone is also made in adrenal gland under normal physiological condition. It is also a precursor to oestrogen, testosterone and cortisol- an adrenal cortical hormone. Cortisol is essential for stress response, sugar and electrolyte balance, blood pressure and general survival. During chronic stress condition, progesterone secretion is reduced because the body made more cortisol responding to stress using progesterone.
Low progesterone is very common. The symptoms include infertility, miscarriage, spotting, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), breast tenderness, insomnia, unexplained weight gain and anxiety. Blood test will show progesterone level is lower than normal.
Why is progesterone level lowering the chance to get pregnant? Low progesterone level is a sign of poor egg quality. Progesterone is produced in follicles (eggs) and corpus luteum which is developed later on from the follicles. Poor quality follicles and corpus luteum will not produce enough progesterone to reach normal level.
You should be concerned about low progesterone level, if you want to get pregnant. If you don’t have enough progesterone, you may have trouble getting or staying pregnant. If progesterone level is low, the uterine lining will not develop well and if the lining is not thick enough, the egg won’t implant. Irregular cycles including short cycles, spotting after ovulation, absence of periods are the signs of low progesterone level. This indicates that ovaries are not functioning well. Low progesterone is one of the causes of miscarriage. Pregnancy needs progesterone to support. If progesterone levels are too low, the uterus may not be able to carry the baby to term.
Acupuncture can help ovarian circulation and improve follicle development to increase progesterone production. improve egg quality and corpus luteum quality, as a result progesterone production is increased. Acupuncture can improve adrenal gland function and reduce stress to reduce progesterone usage. This will improve the chance to get pregnant.