Get repetitive virus infection? Acupuncture can help to boost immunity.
A runny nose, scratchy throat, and nonstop sneezing, sometime fever accompanied-- you can't miss the signs of a cold. One can get a cold year-round, but it is most common to catch cold during autumn and winter. It is known as cold season. People are more likely to get colds when the weather is cold. Do the cold weather makes you sick? Absolutely not. That are the viruses that make one get cold symptoms. The external factors are that viruses that cause colds also spread more easily in colder, drier air- The temperature in autumn and winter is suitable for viruses growing. As a result, in the autumn and winter, there are more viruses. Exposure to viruses is one factor to get cold. In the winter, people spend more time indoors sharing germs with other people. The nasal passages are drier during the winter (due to drier air), allowing cold viruses to gather and grow.
The important internal factor is the immune system function.
Why some people don’t get cold while other people who expose to the same
viruses do. Why do you seem to get them so often while your friends and family members
stay well? This is because some people’s immune function is stronger than
others. If you get cold very frequent, you might have weakened immune function.
Acupuncture can help to strengthen the immune function to
reduce getting cold.
What is the immune system in the body? Why it is important?
The immune system is a defence system in the body containing many organs and
cells against diseases such as viral and bacterial infections. Sometimes the
immune system does not work well; it can either be underactive or overactive or
attack the wrong targets. If the immune system is underactive and low
functioning, you could get frequent infections such as viral infection, fungal infection,
or chronic inflammation in the body such as aching or pain somewhere in the
body or IBS, tiredness etc. If the immune system is overactive, you could get
diseases such as allergy, hay fever, eczema, asthma etc. If the immune system
targets your own organs, you could get autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid
arthritis. Recent research has shown that acupuncture can help regulate immune
system function. For example, a study involved in 34 female patients aged 30-60
with impaired immune function. The result has shown that the improvement of
immune function of acupuncture on immune function started from 72 hours after
the first acupuncture session and persisted when follow-up time of a month
after a year treatments. The impaired immune system in the group was improved
significantly to the same level with healthy control group.
Arranz L et al Am J Chin Med (2007) 35:35-51