Understanding Tendons and Tendonitis. Acupuncture helps release the pain and tendon recovery.

Tendons play a crucial role in our bodies, connecting muscles to bones and enabling us to move and perform daily activities. However, these tough, fibrous tissues are not invulnerable, and they can become injured or inflamed, leading to a condition known as tendonitis.

What Are Tendons?

Tendons are strong, flexible cords of fibrous connective tissue that attach muscles to bones. They are an essential component of the musculoskeletal system, acting as the intermediary that allows muscles to transmit their force to bones, thus enabling movement. Without tendons, our bodies would be incapable of performing even the most basic physical tasks.

Tendons are composed mainly of collagen, a tough and resilient protein that provides the structural framework for the tissue. Their structure allows them to withstand significant tension and force, but they are not immune to damage or inflammation.

Causes of Tendonitis

Tendonitis, also spelled as tendinitis, is a condition characterized by the inflammation of a tendon. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Overuse: Repeated, excessive stress on a tendon due to activities such as sports, manual labor, or repetitive movements at work can lead to micro-injuries in the tendon, ultimately resulting in inflammation.

Age: Tendons tend to become less flexible and more susceptible to injury as we age, making older individuals more prone to developing tendonitis.

Poor technique: Using improper techniques or poor form during physical activities can put extra strain on tendons, increasing the risk of injury.

Poor conditioning: Inadequate muscle strength and flexibility can place more stress on tendons, making them more prone to inflammation.

Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes, can make individuals more susceptible to tendonitis.

Symptoms of Tendonitis

Tendonitis can affect any tendon in the body but is most commonly found in the following areas:

Rotator cuff (shoulder)

Achilles tendon (heel)

Tennis elbow (elbow)

Patellar tendon (knee)

Wrist tendons (wrist)

Common symptoms of tendonitis include:

Pain in the affected area, which is often exacerbated by movement or pressure.

Swelling and tenderness near the injured tendon.

Reduced range of motion and strength in the associated joint or limb.

A grating or crackling sensation when the affected tendon is moved.

Acupuncture is effective to reduce pain and inflammation and helps accelerate the healing of tendonitis.

Tendons are essential components of our musculoskeletal system, facilitating our movement and enabling us to engage in a wide range of activities. However, they are vulnerable to inflammation and injury, resulting in the condition known as tendonitis. Understanding the causes, symptoms for tendonitis is essential for maintaining good musculoskeletal health.

Acupuncture is a useful tool for recovery.

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