Why you should try cosmetic acupuncture to avoid plastic surgery
Our face changes or ages when we grow older. This change starts as early as in 30’s year old. This change not only happens on the surface of the skin, but also underneath the skin surface such as muscles. The skin becomes dry, dull, wrinkles, loose and sagging; the muscles are shortened and straightened; face, corners of the eyes and mouth droop; various spots and pigmentation appear on the face. The most common places to get wrinkles on the face are the forehead, around the eyes and around the mouth. Environmental factors can speed up aging process: such as hormonal imbalance, sun exposure, smoking, stress, diet, diseases etc. can make people look older than their age.
Facial acupuncture or cosmetic acupuncture is the acupuncture on the face for anti-aging purpose. Does it work? If you ask this question, you haven’t tried yet. Everyone who tried cosmetic acupuncture loved it. Recently, facial acupuncture has been introduced as an intervention for skin rejuvenation and becomes more and more popular. It is a natural and healthy way for anti-aging. What is the benefit of facial acupuncture? Facial acupuncture can eliminate wrinkles, moisturise facial skin, improve skin texture and colour, relax facial muscles, and decrease sagging skin, clear spots and pigmentation. Recently a research suggested that wrinkles were improved significantly after facial acupuncture treatment and facial elasticity was also improved in women. It is an alternative way to avoid plastic surgery, if you want to. Start early to get better results.
Why acupuncture on the face can play a role on cosmetic purpose? Acupuncture relaxes facial muscles and improves blood flow and microcirculation in the skin. Muscle relaxation unfolds the skin to reduce the wrinkles and lifts up the face. Good skin circulation takes waste away and reduces skin toxin; it provides more nutrients and oxygen to the skin. Acupuncture also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, helps skin regeneration and increases skin elasticity.