Irregular periods to get pregnant, acupuncture can help
After puberty, women usually have a regular menstrual cycle. Periods occur around the same time each month. These menstrual cycles last on average 28 days but can vary individually. However, there are many reasons why some women may experience irregular periods. Some women find that they have periods early or late in their menstrual cycle. Many medical conditions can affect women’s menstrual cycles. You need to see doctors to get it checked out if there is an underlying condition for the irregular periods. Hormonal changes can affect the periods: using hormonal contraception is a common cause. Unbalanced of the female sex hormones progesterone and oestrogen can also make your periods irregular. Stress and anxiety can also induce hormonal changes which can cause irregular periods. When the stress hormone cortisol is released by the body, it can have a direct effect on the levels of oestrogen and progesterone. Other factors cause irregular periods include polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid problems, extreme weight loss or weight gain, excessive exercise.
If you have irregular menstrual cycles and want to get pregnant, this could cause problems. This is because 1) it is hard to know ovulation time; 2) the eggs might not good enough in some cycles which reduce the chance to get pregnant. 3) the uterine lining might not develop well due to imbalanced hormones.
Acupuncture can help regular hormone to achieve balanced hormone and reduce stress to regular menstrual cycles to get pregnant.
If you have irregular menstrual cycles and want to get pregnant, this could cause problems. This is because 1) it is hard to know ovulation time; 2) the eggs might not good enough in some cycles which reduce the chance to get pregnant. 3) the uterine lining might not develop well due to imbalanced hormones.
Acupuncture can help regular hormone to achieve balanced hormone and reduce stress to regular menstrual cycles to get pregnant.